RUANG LINGKUP BIMBINGAN DAN PENYULUHAN ISLAM By. Retno, dkk. A.       PENDAHULUA N   a.         Latar Belakang Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan kegiatan yang bersumber pada kehidupanmanusia. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa manusia di dalam kehidupannya selalu menghadapi persoalan-persoalan yang silih berganti. Persoalan yang satu dapat diatasi, persoalan yanglain muncul, demikian seterusnya. Manusia tidak sama satu dengan yang lain, baik dalamsifat maupun kemampuannya. Ada manusia yang danggup mampu mengatasi persoalan tanpa bantuan dari pihak lain, tetapi tidak sedikit manusia yang tidak mampu mengatasi persoalan bila tidak dibanntu orang lain, maka dari inilah bimbingan konseling dibutuhkan. Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu komponen dari pendidikan.Mengingat bahwa bimbingan dan konseling adalah suatu kegiatan bantuan dan tuntunan yangdiberikan kepada individu pada umumnya, dan siswa pada khususnya di sekol...


                                            UNDERSTANDING SENTENCES

            At the most basic level reading is the recognition of words. From simple recognition of the individual letters and hoe these letters particular form a particular what each word means not just on an individual level, but also part of a text. In English, as in many other languages, different combinations 0f the same letters can be used to form different words with complety different meanings. Recognition of the actual word is not enough on its own to constitute reading.
            Understanding what we are reading is key and is certainly the main point of teaching reading in a class. It is not much good if our students simply stare at a text and say, the reading process requires continous practice, development and refinement. Reading requires creativity angd critical analysis. Costumers of literature deviate from literal word to create create images that make sense to them in unfamiliar places the texts describe. Because reading is comple process, it can not be controlled or restricted to one or two interpretations.
            There are no concrete laws in reading., but rather it provides readers an escape to produce their own products introspectively. This promotes deep exploration of the texts during interpretation. Readers use a variety of reading strategies to decode (to translate symbols into sound or visual representations of speech).

a. The Nature of  Sentence
      Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses[1]. sentence is the largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letterand ends with a periodquestion mark, or exclamation point. The word "sentence" is from the Latin for "to feel." The adjective form of the word is sentential[2]. The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea and that includes a subject and a verb[3].
sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax[4].

1. Today is not a holiday.
2. They are study.
3. She is cooking.
4. You have to master English.
5. We play this game in the class.

b .Sentence Elements
Sentence element is a part of a sentence that forms a sentence into a complete sentence so that the sentence has complete meaning, to start learning English after we have a vocabulary that is quite possible the next step is we must first understand the sentence elements of the language we learn without understanding our sentence elements will have difficulty in composing the correct sentence. The elements can be subject,verb,object or complement. Complement can be adverb or adjective.Understanding sentence elements will also make it easier to learn various kinds of tenses in learning English.
 in general sentence patterns in English are:
1. Subject + verb
    Example: I run

2. Subject + verb + object
    Example:  I go to home

           3. Subject +  verb + complement(adv)
    Example : sri hates reza

           4. Subject + verb + complement(adj)
     Example : I am lonely

           5. Subject + verb + object t+ adverb
    Example :  I sing a song today

           6. Subject+ verb + object + adverb + adverb
    Example :  acha met at iqbal`s house yesterday

So if we want to build a sentence we need at least two elements subject and verb and it can be more than it[5]

c .Kinds of Sentence
1. Simple sentence
               Simple sentence is a simple sentence that contains a basic unit that builds meaning of representation and interpersonal.
S + V + Object/Complement
Simple sentence consists of only one clause or at least has a subject and verb or predicate that either requires an object or complement or handle.

Like the example:
a.  I am a girl
b.  Kitty is a cat
c.  My mother is going to the market
d.  Let’s hang out together.
e.  He gave the children chocolate.
f.   She cooks grilled fish every day.
g.  He compose a great music.
h.  The examination is tomorrow.
i.   The event makes us very busy everyday.
j.   The song becomes a big hit in this month.
k.  There were two cats in his house.
l.    Ara sent me a text message this morning.
m.  Sarah sent some money to her parents in the village.

        2.  Compound sentence
Compund sentence is a type of long sentence that comes from a combination of 2 or more simple sentences. The simple sentence that is combined is actually an Independent Clause in the sense that it already has the full meaning of the combination not being combined.Compound sentence in English is a sentence consisting of two independent clauses (the main clause that does not depend on other clauses) connected by coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)[6].
Must always be remembered!
Coordinating conjunction consists of  FANBOYS, namely:
For = because
And = more information (providing additional information)
Nor = two negatives (designating two negative things) 
But = Contrast (contrast / reverse)
Or = alternative (alternative / choice)
Yet = contrast (contrast)
So = result / consequence
The form of compound sentence is Independent clause (Ic), coordinating conjunction (cc),
and Independent clause (IC)
a. I like cheese cake, for it is delicious.
b. I like cheese cake, and you like ice cream.
c. Neither cheesecake, nor ice cream is good for you
d. I like cheesecake, but I do not like ice cream.

Examples of Compound Sentences and Means Using FANBOYS Connectors
1.      I can not go out this weekend for my motorcycle is broken.
2.      She didn’t want to play with Jill, and she didn’t want to play with Tim.
3.      He did not answer my calls, nor did he respond to any of my texts
4.      There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid
the meteors.
5.      You could cry like a baby, or you can clean your room like a man.
6.      The little boy did not like to go to school, yet he went anyway.
7.      She saw a cat run in front of her, so she fell down while roller-skating.

3.   Complex sentence
Complex sentence in English is a sentence consisting of at least one dependent clause that is connected by subordinate conjunctions. The use of subordination conjunction gives more attention to one clause in the sentence[7]. Words classified as conjunction subordinates such as:
  • Although
  • As
  • Because
  • Before
  • Even though
  • if, even if
  • in order that  
  • once
  • provided that
  • since
  • so (that implied), so that
  • than
  • that
  • though
  • unless
  • when, whenever
  • where, wherever, whereas
  • whether
  • while
a.    I will study harder although I will feel so tired.
b. After mother tasted the fried chicken, she declared that she   would   not eat it again.
c.I will give you a call after I get the news.
d.This building is the place where the accident took place
e. I will not give up until I achieve my goal.

4. Compound Complex Sentence
              Compound Complex Sentence is a sentence whose structure consists of  2 sentences that can stand alone (independent) and 1 or more sentences that cannot be independent. In a compound complex sentence, you can tell 3 events that each have a subject, a verb and a statement sentence or more[8].
Just like complex sentence, in arranging compound complex sentence sentences, you will also use conjunctions (conjunction) to connect between one sentence and the other. Compound complex sentence is a combination of compound and complex sentences. In other words, compound complex sentence is a sentence consisting of two or more independent clauses and at least there is also one dependent clause. Notice the example below:

a.    Bobo loves Nana because Nana is beautiful and smart.
b.    I love reading because it can bring me to see the world and it gives me a lot of information about many things.
c.    I will not speak to her unless I need her.
d.    Because you were late, we could not watch the movie from the beginning; and I need    to re-watch it again.
e .  I do not like the cookies that she bakes, but I still eat it.
f.    The computer that is broken, needs to be repaired, but I do not have enough money.
g.   The weather is nice, but we still cannot go to the beach because my father is sick.
h.   What will you do if you get lost in an isolated island and you are alone with nobody        else?J.   Unless the meeting is cancelled, I will be sitting inside the meeting room for I am being asked to take note for the minutes of meeting
k.   That puzzle is too complicated, but I would like to solve it before somebody else did.
L.  When I feel hungry and my mother is not at home, I will cook instant noodle.
m.   I feel that I am not a possesive girlfriend, but my boyfriend thinks so
n.   Although the fact will be painful for you, I need to tell you the truth for you are the main reason for that incident to be happened.
Based on the intonation, meaning and the use of the sentence, the sentence can also be divided into five kind.

1.  Affirmative Sentence
     New  sentences (affirmative sentences) are a type of sentence that is used to notify, convey or inform a particular purpose whether it is news, announcements and or notifications.
Understanding, Forms, Examples of News Sentences (Affirmative Sentences) So that it can be concluded that the meaning of news sentences (affirmative sentences), namely the sentence used to convey something to others in the form of news, announcements and others that are information.
a.       She is a lecturer.
b.      They are sad.
c.       She eats.
d.      He work hard

2.  Negative Sentence
      Negative  sentence is a type of news sentence in which there is a denial that is characterized by the words "not" and "no". So it can be concluded that what is meant by a negative news sentence is a news sentence in which it is a denial that is marked by the words not and not.
a.       She is not a lecturer
b.      They are not sad
c.       She does not eat
d.      He does not work hard

3.  Interrogative Sentence
The interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that contains questions that are intended to get responses or answers from other people. Not only forwarded to others, the question sentence is also often asked to yourself to find an answer that we do not believe in the truth.

 Characteristics of interrogative Sentences are :
a.  Always end with punctuation ie question mark (?)
b.  In general it starts with question words like what, who, when, where, why, and how.
c.  It is often accompanied by a suffix, and the particle is for example whether, where?, when?, right? and others.
d.  Has two kinds of intonation, namely in the question sentence which only requires a yes or no answer, the intonation at the end of the sentence rises. Whereas in the question sentence that requires a clear answer, the intonation at the end of the sentence decreases.

1) Yes / No Question
This question is the question that will be begins that the auxiliaries, to ask that the statement is correct or not.
Examples :
a.       Is she a lecturer ? yes, she does
b.      Are they sad ? No, they are not
c.       Does he works  hard ? Yes. He does
d.      Does she eats ? No, she does not

2) WH Question
This question is a question that are formed by using WH, such as why, who, what, where,when and how. These question need answer that explains what is being asked.
Example :
a.How are you ?  I am fine
b.Where do you live ? I live in Padangsidimpuan

4. Imperative Sentence
     Imperative sentence is a type of sentence used to make orders, requests, or instructions. Imperatives are expressions used to tell other people to do something, give orders, give advice, make recommendations, or use to share something with others[9].
Examples :
a.       Please Open the door !
b.      Do not step on the grass!
c.       Shut up the window!
d.      Let me alone, please!

5.  Exclamatory
      Exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence in English that expresses strong feelings through appeal. This sentence is used to express one's feelings about something spontaneously, feeling happy, sad, surprised, and so on. At the end of the exclamatory this sentence always ends with a ‘!’ (Exclamation mark).
Examples :
                   a.  What a beautiful girl she is!
 b.  How cute the cat is!
 c.  What a cool day!


Language has a grammar system. In grammar there are five hierarchy of language units.
1. Sentence. (Sentence)
2. Clause. (Clause)
3. Phrasa (Phrase)
4. Word (Word)
5. Morphemes
According to Language Science, sentence (sentence) is a set of words that have at least one subject and one predicate and contain perfect (complete) understanding. A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a dot.
While the division of sentences in English is divided into:
• Simple Sentence
• Compound Sentence
• Complex Sentence
• Complex-Compound Sentence


Mohammed Ahmed. 2012. Sentence Analysis from the Point of View of Traditional. Structural and Transformational.International Journal Vol.2, Issue.

Geldren, Elly Van. An introduction To The Grammar of English. Amsterdam: Jhon Benjamin Publishing company.1999.
Quirk, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language,London: longman,1985
Eka Sustri Harida.Diktat Reading Comprehension 1. Padangsidimpuan:tate Institute for Islamic Studies
Radforrd,Andrew,An Introduction to English Sentence Structure, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),2009,hal.43.

Downing,Angela dan Philip Locke,English Grammar A University Course.Oxon :Roudledge.2006

[1] Mohammed Ahmed. 2012. Sentence Analysis from the Point of View of Traditional, Structural and Transformational.International Journal Vol.2, Issue: 214.
[2] Geldren, Elly Van, An introduction To The Grammar of English. (Amsterdam: Jhon Benjamin Publishing company),199, hal.21,.
[3] Ibid,hal.45.
[4] Quirk, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language,(London: longman,1985).hal.15.
[5] Eka Sustri Harida, Diktat Reading Comprehension 1, ( Padangsidimpuan:tate Institute for Islamic Studies,2019),hal.8.
[6] Radforrd,Andrew,An Introduction to English Sentence Structure, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),2009,hal.43.
[7] Ibid,hal.53.
[8] Ibid,hal.67.
[9]Downing,Angela dan Philip Locke,English Grammar A University Course, (Oxon :Roudledge,2006),hal.87.


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